The principle of sustainability is a main part of our corporate culture and is the reason VMS to be recognized as a leader in this field on international level.
At VMS, what we understand as a sustainability is using our scale and our competence to build a more responsible, balanced and sustainable future. Our goal is to become a more sustainable company by paying attention on the positive impact we have on all of our stakeholder groups while trying to reduce the negative impact we pose throughout the value chain.
Sustainability is the basic principle that describes us as a company and describes our priorities. We take every our decision on the base of this belief and it allows us to embody the VMS brand in everything we do.
When building VMS Sustainability Strategy, we make an analysis, based on wide range of Global Drivers:
We take into account all the external factors we cannot control but have great influence on every part of our business: climate change, urbanization, population and social trends, etc.
VMS Sustainability Strategy focuses on four basic factors: Professional Excellence, People, Environment and Community. Each of these factors is supported by Group-wide policies, global programs and local initiatives. This Strategy defines what our goals we will be striving to achieve in 2020 and helps us add sustainable value to society.
When we build our strategy according to the Global Drivers, we described above, we set specific goals and build a Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) whether we have accomplished each of our goals. This structure is also important for guiding our management system. We measure our progress according to our Strategy and KPIs. We have well build management teams that monitor this whole process through our governance mechanisms, making sure that we follow our Sustainability Strategy all the time.
Sustainability strategy
THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALSThey were developed by the United Nations as a detailed, easy to understand and universal framework of priorities and aspirations for 2030, recognized worldwide. Our Sustainability Ambitions 2020 are based on these goals, and all of our services support them, as shown in the mapping of our direct operations, supply chain and services against the SDGs. This mapping gives a clear view of our present contributions and helps us create aligned strategic plans.
Sustainability strategy
Adding a financial value to society is not our primary goal. Yes, it is important, but not as important as adding value to society through our operations, supply chain and services.
Sustainability services: we give our clients the amazing opportunity to integrate more sustainable business practices and to focus on the process of creating more sustainable products, technologies and services
Corporate sustainability programs: VMS organizes local and global initiatives in order to add additional value to society;
Engagement activities and external partnerships: in order not to deviate from our goals and create sustainable development, VMS combines professional knowledge and skills to deliver scalable programs.
To understand our motivations and the process of making strategic decisions, we have developed VMS Impact Valuation Framework, which primary goal is to quantify and monetize all the aspects of the impact we have on society.